South Lyon High School
Boys' Cross Country
Striding for Excellence for 50 Years!
Memorial Day -Labor Day, 2024
Freshman 200
300 Mile Club
400 Mile Club
500 Mile Club
Summer Mileage Goals
Freshmen 200
Sophomores 300
Juniors & Seniors 400
Conversion Factors
Non Running activities can’t make up more than 25% of your weekly totals unless this is waived by coach Smith due to injury.
Biking (constant) 3 miles = 1 mile
Treadmill 1 mile =1 mile
Elliptical or Zero Gravity 2 miles =1 mile
CONSTANT Lap Swimming 15 minutes = 1 mile
Water Running 140 heart rate 15 minutes = 1 mile
Other activities (walking, hiking, basketball practice, etc.) do not count for miles because they typically do not raise the heart rate for at least 20-30 minutes non stop.
If you are injured or on vacation, please contact Coach Smith to waive the 25% restriction on cross training miles.
Athletes must submit miles within 7 days of week’s end to get credit for that week’s miles
Last Man Standing
2024 Winners
Parker Johnson Nathan Mann Aidan Grazioli Josh Grose Ian Maltarich Brady Klementowski
2023 Winners Luke Heisel Henry Epler Aiden Grazioli Josh Grose Parker Johnson Ian Maltarich Honorable Mention AJ, Shane, Ashton One absence each
2022 Winners Ashton Kandt Alex Jowett Shane Jowett
2021 Winners Brendon Stec 4th Time! Reiner Kandt 2nd Time! Luke Heisel 1st Time!
2020 Winners Brendon Stec 3rd Time!
2019 Winners
Vlad Schnitzel 4th time!
Brendon Stec 2nd Time!
Dom Foytek 1st Time!
Reiner Kandt 1st Time
2018 Winners
Vlad Schnitzel 3rd time!
Haden Gallentine 2nd time!
Brendon Stec 1st time!
2017 Winners
Val Schnitzel 4th time!
Vlad Schnitzel 2nd time!
2016 Winners
Val Schnitzel 3rd time!
Haden Gallentine
Vlad Schnitzel
2015 Winners
Marshall Thelen 4th time!
Val Schnitzel 2nd time!
Joey Younkin
Attendance Policy
August 12 to November 2, 2024
Group One Excused—Does not need to be made up: This is a comprehensive list. Items not on this list are Group Two or Three unless agreed to in advance by Coach Smith.
1.Absent due to illness. Covid test might be required
2.Special one day Church Function (Confirmation Service)
3.Observance of a single Holy Day or Sabbath
4.School one day Performance (Concert or Competition)
5.Wedding or funeral in the immediate family.
6.Doctor appointment directly related to a cross country injury. If you aren’t running, you are still expected at practices and meets.
Group Two Excused— But need to be made up.
Note: Group two absences starting August 14 are made up at morning weights once school starts. Failure to attend initial and consecutive weight sessions will result in the loss of one meet per weight room absence.
1.Absent from school partial day due to illness. If you do not attend school all day, you are ineligible to participate in a meet or practice unless prearranged with the athletic director.
2.Family Vacations (Please try to avoid these after Aug 14).
3.School project/make up test (Approved at COACH’S discretion. Plan ahead and avoid these absences.
4.Court Hearings
5.School Discipline
6.Doctor or Dentist appt. not directly related to an XC injury.
Group Three Unexcused—Need to be made up:
Athletes with two group 3 absences are NOT eligible for any varsity award or the Lion Hearted award. Upon the 3rd Group
Three absence, the athlete will be asked to leave the team and to return next year. No refunds or awards will be given.
1.Employment absences
2.Driver’s Education/Secretary of State
3.Vacations/Amusement Park Trips except with his own family
4.Any absence where Coach Smith is not notified same day by a parent e-mail of an eligible Group One or Group Two absence.
5.Any Meet Day or HARD Thursday absence except those in Group One.
6.Unexcused absence from any part of school day
7.Any Group II absence not made up within week.
8.Chronic Tardiness (5 tardies becomes 1 unexcused absence)
9.Missed bus to a meet (not eligible to run that meet)
10.Any absence where an athlete went home ill after school and missed practice. This can be converted to group II at Coach Smith’s discretion if a parent contacts Coach Smith the same day and verifies the extreme and sudden illness.
The athlete will be ineligible to run the next meet or receive a varsity award due to any Group Two absence not made up within the week or a second Group Three absence. Group two absences NOT made up become group three absences. The athlete is off of the team with the 3rd group three absence. No refunds will be issued or awards given.
Group two and three make ups are accomplished through attendance at morning weights. (6 AM SLHS Mondays & Fridays). Although a make up is required for both group two & three absences, this make up does not turn a group III absence into a group I or II absence. Make ups must begin immediately and continue without interruption until the number of absences has been reached.
The athlete can have a maximum of 7 absences of any kind during the season.
*Being absent from a meet counts as 2 absences.
*Any missed meet disqualifies an athlete from the captainship or varsity award that season.
*After 7 absences, the athlete will be asked to turn in his uniform and return the following year. No refunds or awards will be given.
*Extended absences of three days or more EXCUSED BY A DOCTOR will not be counted against the 7 day total. Note: Athletes with minor injuries must attend practices and meets to support the team. A doctor’s note that excuses an athlete from exertion does not excuse that athlete from attendance at practice or meets unless the note explicitly states that attendance as a spectator or helper would endanger the athlete, his teammates, or other spectators.
Injured athletes are expected to attend practices and meets unless the injury will remove the athlete from activity for an extended period of time. This needs to be discussed with Coach Smith in advance of the absence. Extended period of time is defined as four weeks or more.
Family vacations during Mandatory Practice Time are strongly discouraged.
Vacations After August 12, 2024
1.If a meet is missed, that athlete is disqualified from the captainship or varsity award that year. 2. Not eligible to run meets until an equal number of practices have been attended after the athlete returns from vacation. 3. The athlete is not eligible to run meets until 2 weight sessions have been attended for each practice missed. The weights sessions occur after the absence and begin once school starts. Weights occur on Mondays and Friday mornings at 6 AM.
4.Athletes missing practice due to family vacation during mandatory practice time are not eligible for the varsity award or captainship in that same year. Note: If the athlete misses practices but ATTENDS EVERY MEET, he can still earn the varsity award IF the vacation occurred before the start of the school year and he returned to attend every meet. He will be expected to help with team needs (splits, photographing, results, etc) and run a workout before the meet begins.
5.Short trips (max 2 days) due to immediate family weddings and funerals are exempt from the vacation policy if 2 day (funeral) or 14 day (wedding) advance notification is given to Coach Smith by parent
6. If an athlete is not allowed to run a meet due to vacation absences, he is still required to attend to take splits and photographs. He will have a workout before the meet begins.
7. .First year athletes are encouraged to also avoid vacations after August 14. However, some leniency will be shown to first year athletes
Remember, an athlete is only allowed 7 absences of any kind within the season. He will be dismissed upon the 8th absence. Second sports and employment obligations are not exceptions to the attendance policy. Both are heavily discouraged. Communicate with Coach Smith.
Camp Requirements 2024
*120 Miles Submitted between May 29 &- Aug 1. Miles submitted between Aug 1 and Aug 6 will be considered by the coach, especially for new athletes.
Miles must be submitted within 6 days of each week’s end.
*23 of 37 Group Running Practices June 19-Aug 5
The completed 24/24 counts for 4 practices.
Non completed 24/24 counts for 2 practices. If the athlete only attends a partial one day of the 24/24 it will count as 1 day.
*If you will be on trips this summer and can’t make 23 practices by August 5, you must have a plan in place with Coach Scott Smith by June 30. There is no waiver for the mileage requirement.
Awards for 2023
1. Academic:
A. Season Academic Award (The athletic director will set the check date. Mr. Smith does not set the check date.)
B. Lakes Valley Conference Scholar Athlete Award
C. 4.0 Marking Period Award if athletic dept. provides this information
2. Freshman, JV, Varsity (Varsity Bronze, Silver, Gold)
A. Freshman or JV Certificate
B. Varsity (Letter; Certificate; 2nd, 3rd, 4th Varsity) C. Varsity Bronze, Silver Gold
D. Varsity Elite
3. Special Awards
A. Lion Hearted
B. MVP (based on stats)
C. Mileage Clubs (must turn in miles weekly)
D. Most Improved
E. Last Man Standing & Most Summer Practices
F. Most Generous
G. Best Underclass Leadership (Varsity vote)
Note: If the Best Underclass Leadership recipient also is a junior, he will be named the first captain of the next season. He will meet with Coach Smith shortly after the banquet to discuss additional terms before becoming captain. Additional terms include camp attendance and mandatory season attendance and June-July-August attendance.
I. Perfect Attendance August 15 through the end of season
J Iron Horse (Completed all races including Aug time trial)
K Fortitude
RACE Eligibility 2023
Joining the team qualifies you to practice with the team. This might be a varsity or a JV squad. Joining the team DOES NOT guarantee you the opportunity to race.
A boy must demonstrate that he is capable of running faster than 30 minutes for a 5K before he will be allowed to compete in a double dual in 2024. He must also demonstrate the capability of running faster than 25 minutes in any large meet or invitational. Coach Smith reserves the right to waive this in meets that take place before the start of the school year if the participation of the slower runner does not adversely impact the meet schedule or administration
Covid considerations or meet managers might limit the number of participants who will be allowed to compete. Faster athletes will be given the first opportunity to race.
End of Year Awards 2023
Each athlete who completes the season successfully will receive one or more of these awards.
1. Freshman or JV
2. Varsity
3. Lion Hearted
1. Freshman or JV
A. Finishes the season successfully but does not qualify for varsity options One or Two.
B. Attendance:
No more than 7 absences between August 14 and the end of the season.
No more than 2 group three absences: Athlete is removed from team upon the 3rd.
2. Varsity Award 2023
To receive the varsity award for boys cross country, you must complete OPTION ONE or OPTION TWO
1. Run one 5K CROSS COUNTRY Race under 18:30. For each June, July, August weekly summer mileage submission sent within six days of week’s end, you can add 5 seconds to the 18:30 requirement. If you submit all of your weeks on time, this will be a 19:30 Varsity Time A valid mileage submission has at least 10 miles per week in June, 15 miles per week in July, and 20 in Aug. (19:30 if you submit 12 valid weeks).
2. Have NO Group III unexcused absences.
3. Attend all Mandatory Practices starting August 14 unless you are ill or other group I or II absence. More than seven days of combined group I and/or II absence August 14 through November 6 will disqualify you from a varsity award.
4. Attend all Meets unless you are ill or other category I absence. Absence from a meet as part of family vacation disqualifies you from the varsity award.
5. Successful completion of the season.
6. Attend the state meet to cheer on any SLHS state qualifier.
OPTION TWO You must complete Option Two, parts 1,2, 3
1. Complete three years of cross country.
2. Submit 400 miles June 1 thru Aug 31 of that 3rd year
3. Complete numbers 2-6 from OPTION ONE
*Successfully complete the season without any unexcused absences or missed meets
Our mission statement dictates that we strive to become a family of brothers engaged in a common purpose. To that end, it is essential that we always act in such a way to protect and nurture our team and our teammates.
Rule #1 Athletes must not misuse electronic devices A, Do not post pictures or video of team members or coaches without their permission. Do not post pictures of team activities without Coach’s permission. B. Complaints must be handled like men of character, not like critics hiding behind a keyboard. NEVER engage in negative group texts or other social media postings that involve the team, its members, its coaches, its parents, or its competitiors.
C. NEVER post anything that will embarass yourself, your friends, your family, your team, your coaches, or your school.
Rule @ 1 . First offense: Warning or One week suspension off team based on coach’s discretion of severity. Serious infractions will result in permanent removal
Second offense: Permanent removal from the team.
Rule @2. Absolutely no use of alcohol or drugs including tobacco or vapes. First offense: Notification of the athletic department and REMOVAL from the team.
Rule @3 Team members must always strve to have a quality practice. No unauthorized walking, slacking, hiding, or shortcuts.. Giving less than your best hurts team comaraderie. If a time is assigned to a run, the athlete must make every attempt to hit that time.
First offense: Meeting with coach.
Second offense: Meeting with coach plus one missed meet.
Third offense: Two missed meets and one week suspension from the team
Fourth offense: Removal from the team.
Rule #4. No chronic use of foul language (especially including the F*** word), sexual innuendo, or racial slurs.
First offense: Meeting with coach. Athlete will be notified that he is in violation of Rule #4 and correction is necessary.
Second offense: Meeting with coach and missed meet.
Third Offense: Two missed meets and One or more of the following at coach’s discretion:
Notification of parents
Meeting with coach, parents, and athletic director
Removal from the team. Fourth Offense: Removal from the team
Rule #5 Proper Attitude and Avoidance of Insubordination Athletes are expected to obey coaches’ directives promptly and with a positve attitude. If an athlete shows a chronic failure to obey a coaches’ directives, demonstrate proper workout & meet effort, and/or show a positive attitude, he will be considered Insubordinate. The following steps will be taken: Step One: Athlete will be noified that he is in violation of Rule #5. Step Two: Notification of the parents and athlete that he is still in continued violation of Rule #5. Step Three: Removal from the team.
6. Always…
**Display good sportsmanship.
**Behave like a gentleman.
**Say Please & Thank You.
**Pick up after yourself.
**Volunteer with the group needs.
**Show respect to team mates
**Show a welcoming attitude to new members
**Follow directives of captains and coaches unless illegal or in violation of school/athletic code of conduct.
7. Never: Practice Poorly Put yourself before the team.
Be negative.
Bring shame to yourself or the team.
Complain about running.
Disrespect your team, its members, and its leaders.
Use your parent as your servants.
Other Special 2024 Considerations
Each athlete must bring his own water in bottles marked with his name. Bottles must not be shared.
If masks become a requirement again, athletes will comply as required.