South Lyon High School

Boys' Cross Country

Striding for Excellence for 50 Years!

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Interested in running cross country at South Lyon High School in 2024?
Email Coach Smith!

Mission Statement
We are the South Lyon High School Men’s Cross Country Team.
We represent all that is good about our school, our team, and ourselves.
We are accepted into a family of boys and a lifelong band of brothers.
As strong individuals, we choose to create a legacy of hard work, positive attitude, and team unity.
Running is our unifying purpose. We do it not because it is easy, but because it is hard.
We compete on this team to show the power of our minds, bodies, and souls.
United at Heart. United to Inspire. United for Victory.
As brothers we run.

Cross Country Commandments

1. There is no substitute for my summer miles.
2. The value I get from cross country is proportional to the effort that I put into it.
3. I strengthen my CORE to improve my form.
4. I make each workout an opportunity to be faster and stronger.

5. I give 100% in a race–I have no regrets.
6. I am quick to praise and slow to criticize.
7. I stretch and use R.I.C.E to avoid serious injury.
8. I eat low fats, high carbohydrates, and drink plenty of water.

9. I respect my teammates, my opponents, my school.
10. I always focus on the higher purpose.